First comes love, then comes marriage, or so goes the old rhyme. When people think they have met the one, it is only a matter of time until they pop the question.
Hopefully, after that, it is all smooth sailing. Sometimes, not so much. Sometimes the proposal is rejected, or the couple gets torn apart. For whatever reason, a wedding doesn't happen.
With the turmoil that writers often put couples through, it would be easy to give up. However, some refuse to.
Some say, "So what if we didn't end up getting married the first time around? So what if I got rejected, or I lost you? You're with me now, and I love you, so I'm going to propose to you again, and again, until I get a yes, and a wedding, and get to call you my wife/husband!"
It takes a lot to propose twice, but these paramours did it. Some of them proposed more than twice, and you might be surprised by who I'm talking about.
Here's a list of the those so determined to tie the knot that they proposed not once, but twice (and sometimes thrice).
1. Killain Proposes To Emma -- Once Upon A Time
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On Once Upon A Time Season 6 Episode 13, Emma found a ring among Killian's things and forces a proposal, which would be all well and good if he weren't hiding the fact that he killed her grandfather. This leads to an engagement, the truth coming out, a fight, and Killian being whisked away by a villain.
On Once Upon A Time Season 6 Episode 17, after overcoming those determined to keep them apart, Killian once again gets down on one knee and pledges to always be by Emma's side. She said yes the first time, and then fought like hell to get him back, so it's no surprise when Emma, once again, agrees to be Killian's wife mere episodes after the first proposal.
2. Barry Proposes To Iris -- The Flash
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The Flash Season 3 Episode 14 ends with Barry Allen asking Iris West to marry him. Since we didn't actually see her say yes, fans had a feeling that this wasn't the "real proposal" WestAllen fans had been waiting for.
Sure enough, when Iris learns that Barry only proposed as a way to change the timeline so she wouldn't die, she begins to have doubts.
The two come apart briefly, but on The Flash Season 3 Episode 17 they come back together, and WestAllen fans get the magical proposal scene they were waiting for. What's better than Grant Gustin singing "Running Home To You" as he gets down on bended knee? Not much. This scene makes a relatively corny musical episode and two proposals in less than five episodes completely worth it.
3. Daniel Proposes To Emily -- Revenge
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The first time Daniel Grayson proposed to Emily Thorne on Revenge Season 1 Episode 13, it was magical. It was aboard the yacht where they first met. He was wearing "the jacket." Daniel refused to be deterred by the rain, pouring his heart out to the woman who he thought was the love of his life, and she accepted.
Then Daniel's true Grayson colors showed. Emily became disgusted with him and took the first excuse to end things when she thought her revenge was over, only renewing the relationship when it was necessary.
His second attempt on Revenge Season 2 Episode 19 put Emily on the spot about their future on live television. Afterward, he issued an ultimatum: get engaged or break-up.
Emily said yes for ulterior revenge motives, but what we have here is an example of a guy who should probably have only proposed once.
4. Robin Proposes To Marian -- BBC's Robin Hood
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This one is a bit of a cheat because we never saw the first proposal. When the series begins, Robin is returning from The Crusades. Over the course of the season, we learn that he and Marian had been engaged before he left her to fight in the war, effectively ending the relationship.
She is none too happy to see him upon his return, but throughout season one, the two reconnect and eventually reconcile.
On BBC's Robin Hood Season 2 Episode 9, Marian's father gets killed. After the two have buried him, Marian asks Robin if he wants to say a few words, and the words he chooses are a proposal. It shows how far the two have come that Marian accepts, even if she takes her time about it. Really, these two deserved better than how they ended. I'm still not over it.
5. Lavon Proposes To Lemon -- Hart of Dixie
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Lavon Hayes's proposal to Lemon Breeland on Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 9 was the perfect proposal. Taking your girlfriend to the most romantic spot on your property where lit candles are spelling out "Will You Marry Me?" What could be better? Except that the proposal was meant for someone else. Lemon and Lavon happening upon it when he was talking about their future together was a mere coincidence. Lavon was thrilled to be engaged to the girl of his dreams, even if it happened by accident. When he fessed up at their engagement party, Lemon was hurt and furious. So Lavon set up a romantic proposal to make it up to her, but their friends needed them. The ended up in a car together, which Lavon pulled over, proposing to Lemon on the side of the road. This time it was real, and Lemon was touched.
6. Max Proposes To Lorelai -- Gilmore Girls
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The first time Max proposes to Lorelai on Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 21, she does not take him seriously. They were fighting, and as Lorelai says, "a proposal has to be more than a desperate attempt to end a bickering match." She continues, saying, "It should be magical. There should be 1000 yellow daisies." She convinces Max that proposes then is crazy, and it seems like that will be the end of it.
Later, Lorelai shows up to work to find 1000 yellow daisies for which the delivery man says she has to sign. Over the phone, Max tells her that she was right in saying his first proposal was not the done right, but she was wrong in saying he only did it because they were fighting. No matter what team you're on, you have to admit, Max knew how to propose. Sure, the first time went over really bad, but the second time he really got it right.