Love is in the air! Whether you're spending Valentine's Day with a loved one or by yourself, just remember you always have television to keep you company. If we're being honest, sometimes television is our greatest love.
When it comes to TV, a lot of Valentine's Day moments are big romantic gestures, and others are just fun to watch play out.
Related: 17 Best Running Gags on Television
On Cupid Day, things always seem to go very right or very wrong.
We put together a slideshow below of 11 of the best Valentine's Day Gestures to get you ready for the holiday!
1. Ben gives Leslie a playboy otter - Parks and Recreation

It was Ben and Leslie's first Valentine's Day together, and it was pretty eventful to say the least. Leslie sent Ben on a scavenger hunt, and Ben gave Leslie the playboy otter stuffed animal she always dreamed of.
2. Schmidt and Cece sleep together - New Girl

This may not be a "gesture" exactly but it really kicked off the relationship between Schmidt and Cece. Where would we be without that one eventful Valentine's Day?
3. Mark and Lexie (and Jackson) have Valentine's Day dinner - Grey's Anatomy

Even though Lexie and Mark are broken up, Lexie brings her niece to his apartment to offer a playdate with his son. She sees that Mark has company over, but he refuses to let her leave. They end up having dinner, but Jackson's presence may have messed with the romance factor.
4. Monica attempts to give Chandler porn - Friends

Okay, this wasn't all that romantic but it was hilarious. Chandler mistakes a tape sitting on the table for porn, which Monica did actually get him. However, it was actually a birthing tape which killed the mood for the rest of the night. But hey, it was a solid Valentine's Day effort on Monica's part.
5. Finn gives Rachel a vocal Valentine - Glee

In honor of Valentine's Day, Finn had their friends sing "Stereo Hearts" to Rachel in the courtyard. It's impossible not to be in love after being serenaded like that.
6. Maggie surprises Alex - Supergirl

Even though Valentine's Day was never important to Maggie, she understands how much it means to Alex. Despite not caring about the holiday, she cares about her girlfriend and throws her a Valentine's Day prom as a surprise.