There are a lot of good reasons to dislike a pairing and a lot of ridiculous ones that go beyond all rhyme or reason.
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Once in awhile the negative feelings are justified, but some relationships seem to get more hate than they deserve.
Are the following 'ships unfairly hated, or did they get what they deserved?
Betty and Archie - Riverdale

The main reason Betty and Archie get so much hate is that they interfere with two fan-favorite pairings. Both Betty and Jughead and Archie and Veronica are ships that fans everywhere love.
But the truth is, Betty and Archie's best friends to possible lovers dynamic is one of the best parts of the series.
Rue and Lexi - Euphoria

Everyone wants Rue and Jules to be together, which is understandable. But Rue and Lexi also have a fun dynamic, and it would be incredible for them to explore other layers of their relationship someday;
It's been hinted at multiple times throughout Euphoria Season 1 that Lexi's feelings for Rue go beyond friendship, and we'd like to see that be addressed.
Kara and Mon-El - Supergirl

Mon-El wasn't a great guy when he first joined the show, but a lot of fans like to ignore his character development since his presence interfered with other popular pairings.
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You can ship whoever you want, but during his time with Kara, Mon-El grew into a person who would quite literally sacrifice himself for the common good.
Ryan and Taylor - The OC

Ryan and Taylor were oddly perfect for each other. However, Ryan and Marissa were the couple everyone was rooting for, so fans didn't take this relationship well.
They may not have ended up together, and they may not have been widely loved, but the fan reaction was still surprising.
Michael and Maria - Roswell, New Mexico

Michael Guerin is a bisexual character, and he always will be. Whether he's with Alex or Maria, his sexuality remains unchanged and he still provides representation.
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While Michael and Alex seem to have a bit more chemistry, there's nothing wrong with his relationship with Maria and we're excited to see where it goes. We love both and hate neither.
Spencer and Caleb - Pretty Little Liars

Spencer and Caleb always had chemistry. They were the two most intellectual people in the group, and they had a lot in common.
Pretty Little Liars was pushing Hanna and Caleb from the beginning, but even though this relationship happened late in the game, it wasn't a bad one.
Ella and Dan - Lucifer

A lot of fans seem to think this relationship came a bit out of left-field, but the potential was always there. Ella and Dan are both two loveable characters who have always enjoyed each other's company.
They haven't had a lot of luck in the love department, so it makes sense for them to give things a shot. These two deserve happiness just as much as anyone.
Dan and Blair - Gossip Girl

Dan and Blair's dynamic is the best thing that Gossip Girl ever did. In a show that was so wrapped up in secrets, drama, and appearances, Dan and Blair brought something else to the show entirely.
They proved that a healthy relationship is built on trust, friendship, and teamwork. Why did everyone prefer her with Chuck, again?
Jessica and Alex - 13 Reasons Why

Jessica and Alex are the pure and healthy relationship that 13 Reasons Why needed. The series is filled with violence and toxicity, and Jessica and Alex were one of the few spots of light.
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It's hard not to love the person Justin has become, but it's surprising just how many people support his relationship with Jessica after what he did to her.
Ted and Robin - How I Met Your Mother

There's no doubt that Ted and Robin ending up together was a slap in the face to fans who were invested in Swarkles. But when it comes down to Ted and Ronin's relationship, they loved each other from the start.
It's beautiful that after Ted's loss and Robin's divorce, the two of them were able to find love with each other. How could anyone be upset over their happiness?
Alex and Sutton - The Bold Type

Sutton and Richard's relationship isn't all that. Sure, the forbidden love aspect helped keep the spark alive, and there were so cute moments during the beginning of the series.
But what Sutton and Alex could have had will always be more endearing than what we got. We'll always hold out hope that one day that may rekindle their relationship.
Scott and Malia - Teen Wolf

After Kira was written off the show for no reason, it made sense that fans weren't happy with Scott having another love interest. It was also a bit weird considering that Malia dated Scott's best friend.
However, Stiles was finally with Lydia, and the chemistry between Scott and Malia was undeniable. They ended up being all kinds of adorable, and there wasn't anything to dislike about their relationship.
Rachel and Joey - Friends

The chemistry was there, the potential was there, but for some reason, the writers and the fans weren't there. Most people are still stuck on the underwhelming on and off relationship between Rachel and Ross.
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As time has gone on, more people are starting to come around to the idea of Rachel and Joey, but a large majority of viewers still don't see the sparks.
Iris and Eddie - The Flash

Iris was always going to end up with Barry, but Eddie was a hard character to hate. Even Barry took a liking to him, and the two ended up being good friends.
At the end of the day, Eddie sacrificed himself to save Iris and the people that he loves. He was an all-around great person, and his relationship with Iris was beautifully tragic.
Emma and Neal - Once Upon a Time

Emma and Neal's love was something to strive for. They both sacrificed so much for each other and loved one another until the end.
Captain Swan was obviously the 'ship of the show, and Hook was Emma's true love, but we also have to appreciate Emma and Neal for what they were.
Wil and Eretria - The Shannara Chronicles

Out of all the characters, Eretria had the most chemistry with Amberle. But once she was out of the picture her chemistry with Wil seemed to skyrocket.
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Eretria's relationship with Lyria was cute, but that's all it was. Eretria and Wil had the closest relationship on the show, and they deserved more love.
Jake and Cassie - The Secret Circle

Most viewers were on Team Adam, and it was hard to understand why. The will they/won't they was fun at first, but it quickly got boring.
Meanwhile, Jake and Cassie ticked all of the best boxes. The fake relationship turned real, enemies to lovers, mutual pining, and a slow burn. What is there to hate?
Chidi and Simone - The Good Place

No one has chemistry like Cheleanor and we've got our fingers crossed that they're going to be endgame. But there was nothing to dislike about Chidi's relationship with Simone, and it was fun while it lasted.
Even Eleanor shipped it for a while, and both characters deserve nothing but love. They're just too precious for the hate.
Jace and Clary - Shadowhunters

We're still a bit unsure why Jace and Clary got so much hate during Shadowhunters' run. They're relationship was pure and healthy, and didn't get in the way of any major 'ships.
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But, regardless, the series finale proved that their love is strong enough to overcome anything, and we'll never give up hope that we'll get to see them in a revival someday.
Alright, TV Fanatic, what's your verdict?
Do you think these 'ships are unfairly hated?
Or is the dislike justified?
Let us know in the comments section down below!